App update: A whole new dashboard and publishing experience.

Standards v11.11 goes live this weekend and it’s packed with new features. This release brings improvements to the dashboard experience, publishing and sharing, as well as new security & access features for Enterprise. We’re excited to share what’s new in this build, so let’s dive in.

Updates to the Dashboard

Workspace navigation redesign

While core functionality remains unchanged, the experience of navigating between workspaces has seen a complete overhaul. Previously accessed from the sidebar, workspaces can now be swapped from a dropdown in the top left corner of the dashboard. Customize the look of your workspaces with a unique icon to aid navigation.

Additionally, workspace pages such as Members, Domains, and Settings are now accessed from the sidebar below the workspace icon.

To learn more, see our guide: Workspaces

Project folders

With efficiencies made to workspace navigation, we’re introducing project folders to the dashboard sidebar. Folders are a simple way to organize projects, and are shared across each workspace. All Members of a workspace may add, edit, and access folders.

Some customers may have previously used multiple workspaces to group projects. For those customers, we recommend transferring projects to a consolidated set of workspaces, and grouping them using folders instead.

To learn more, see our guides: Project folders and Transfer a project

Color theme

Another long awaited feature coming to dashboard is the ability to set the theme of your interface. In this release, we’re introducing a global color theme switcher, accessible from the bottom left sidebar in both the dashboard and the project editor. Also new in this release is the ‘Auto’ selection which will match the preference set by your operating system.

Updates to publish & sharing

Pro & Enterprise

Access page customization

Create a fully branded end to end experience for viewers by customizing the look and feel of project access pages. Access pages are what viewers see when they arrive to a published project that requires a plain password, magic link, or sign-in to view.

To learn more, see our guide: Project access page

Pro & Enterprise

Page restrictions

Set blended access on projects using page restrictions. Projects can now can have both publicly viewable pages and ones that require sign-in. Perfect for sharing some sections with the world, but restricting more sensitive ones to just your team.

Refined Publish & share interface

Publish and share has been combined into one powerful interface, accessible from both the dashboard and within the project editor. Set the web address, access & restriction settings, and manage viewers all from a centralized location.

To learn more, see our guide: Publish & share

New options for security & access


Logged public access

Publish projects open to the public; viewable by anyone that enters a valid email address. View history is logged and accessible from the project page in the dashboard. Additionally, view history is available for projects published with invite only access.


Secure embed

Securely embed projects directly into other platforms your company uses. Manage where projects are embedded by adding and removing embed location domains.

To learn more, see our guide: Publish & share

Note: Any project that is currently embedded will no longer function. Once this update is released, these projects will need to be republished using the Secure embed option and embed code.

More updates


  • Publishing and sharing can now be performed from the dashboard. To learn more, see our guide: Publish & share
  • Google analytics can now be added to projects. To learn more, see our guide: Analytics & view history
  • Project settings and publishing details are now viewable from the dashboard
  • All input fields have been redesigned
  • Project home pages can now be assigned
  • Various vertical spacing refinements in dashboard to improve viewing on smaller screens
  • Refined section tabs in dashboard
  • Refined existing help guides, and added new ones. See all guides in the Standards Help Center